Saturday, 26 January 2019

Peasant bed hanging on the BBC

The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts Episode 2 last week, BBC 2 (BBC iPlayer) featured the challenge of making a bed in the style of this Heals bed, below.  The image of the Heals bed was shown at various points in the show, but sadly at no point did they discuss the appliqué bed hanging or bed cover which was Haslemere peasant tapestry!

still from The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts, Episode 2,
BBC2, 18 January 2019
The picture appears in the Textiles of the Arts & Crafts Movement (Parry, Linda, Thames & Hudson, 2005) which states "At the Paris Exhibition in 1900 (Exposition Universelle), Heal's exhibited a pair of oak bedsteads with the "covers and hangings of Haslemere 'Peasant Tapestries'".

Godfrey Blount bedcovers and hangings, exhibited by Heal's at 1900 Paris Exhibition,
Parry, Linda, Textiles of the Arts & Crafts Movement, Thames & Hudson, 2005, p.50


  1. What a great little series that was, and it inspired me to visit Wightwick Manor at Wolverhampton for my birthday recently. A challenging 4 hour drive each way but WORTH IT! However, a shame they didn't mention the Peasant Tapestries . . .

  2. Yes it was interesting. Wow, glad you were inspired!


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